This document lists all the collections available in the OGC feature service.
Service Description: 3°x3° and 6°x6° Argo Designs including density targets for the new Global Argo, BioGeoChemical Argo, Deep Argo and future of Argo (sketch).
Map Name: ARGODesign
Copyright: OceanOPS
Full Extent:
XMin: -180.0
YMin: -90.0
XMax: 180.0
YMax: 90.0
Global (0)
BioGeoChemical (1)
Deep (Sketch) (2)
2020 (Sketch) (3)
Logistical Gaps (4)
Nb Deployments (5)
National Contributions (6)
Ocean (7)
AtlantOS (8)