Environmental Stewardship


What is Environmental Stewardship

The responsible use and protection of the natural environment through conservation and sustainable practices to enhance ecosystem resilience and human well-being. It is an action-oriented framework intended to foster sustainability of a rapidly changing planet. Three strategies of environmental stewardship include:

  1. Reduce the magnitude, exposure and sensitivity to known stresses;
  2. Promote proactive policies of change;
  3. Evade and escape unsustainable social-ecological traps
What is the DBCP strategy on Environmental Stewardship

Promote technologies and practices that reduce the environmental impact of our operations. The specific actions of the DBPC strategy include:

  1. The establishment of a DBCP Task Team focusing on our environmental impacts. This shall include the promotion of best practices, serving as a focal point for DBCP environmental stewardship matter, and liaise with other national and international organizations, such as WMO, IOC and GOOS to mainstream environmental stewardship;
  2. Work with ocean observing network partners to baseline and continually review and minimize our environmental footprint.
  3. Collect feedback from member and report on plans, actions and progress to reduce environmental impact.
UN and global instruments
UNEP Marine Litter
Minamata Convention on Mercury
United Nations Environmental Program
IMO International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter
National and regional Environmental Impact Assessment
NDBC, USA Programmatic Environmental Assessment
Argo Program, USA Environmental Issues and the Argo Array
Good Practices from networks
Argo Argo's Environmental Impact
EURO-Argo Poster
EURO-Argo Leaflet
SOOP XBT Assessment
Other Useful Information
GOOS OCG workshop on Environmental Stewardship